3 looks de fête pour briller lors des soirées de fin d’année
Les fêtes de fin d’année approchent à grands pas, et avec elles, l’envie irrésistible de se parer...
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Top 10 des idées de cadeaux de Noël écoresponsables pour les femmes de votre vie
Noël approche, et vous cherchez des idées de cadeaux à la fois originaux et respectueux de l'envi...
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What you need to know about Tencel®: this ecological and innovative material
Tencel ® , also known as Lyocell, is an innovative textile fiber made from wood pulp, mainly e...
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The lowest carbon impact e-commerce packaging on the market
What is a good package? Since our launch in 2020, we have never stopped limiting the waste ...
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Throwback: lingerie through the ages.
Comfortable and pretty fine lingerie: a desire to free oneself from certain constraints, as if one already had not enough of them! Of course, this has not always been the case, we have traced the history of underwear through the ages.
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