T38, 40 & 42 Triangle Calvi Nude
Guéthary Nude Panties
Belle-Île Nude High Waisted Panties
Antibes bra - Nude
The Maria Blue Zenith headband
The Belle-Île Terracotta panties
The Guéthary Terracotta triangle
T36, 38 & 42 The Dune crop top in oasis green
Belle-Île high-waisted briefs - Zenith blue
T36 & 38 - One piece Datcha - Coral Bliss
T40 - Biarritz asymmetrical headband - Deep black
T36 and T40 - Giulia headband - Blue gingham
Saleccia high-waisted high-waisted briefs - Blue gingham
Anaa bi-color high-waisted panties Indigo purple and pink
T40 & T42 Guéthary solar yellow panties
T36 Saleccia solar yellow panties
Maria headband - Zenith blue
Sormiou oasis green panties
Sormiou terracotta panties